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Originally delivered on 1/21/2025 5:39 pm

SUBJECT: Hardy Happenings: January 2025

Hardy Sign in Autumn
Hardy Happenings - January 2025

Despite the snow and cold 2025 has started with a hustle! Some teachers reported that they have already had the busiest week of their school year with caregiver-teacher conferences wrapping up. The new calendar year of school and activity kicked off with Caregiver Coffee, Treat Train and Caregiver-Teacher conferences. And that's just January, now we're getting ready for February with Hardy PTO Hour of Code February 3-7, and STEAM Festival following swiftly on its heels on Saturday, February 8.

Hardy Rainbow Alliance meeting Thursday while the second APS Special Ed Coffee Chat is on Tuesday! Friday, February 7 marks our second Caregiver Coffee and Treat Train of the year! 

Be sure to double check your calendars and note the February holiday break. There will be no school from Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21

Check out Principal Saunders' latest update here.

Remember to please reach out to PTO president, Becky Gibree ( or our school admin Ms. Mary Bellerose ( with any questions you can't find answers to on the Hardy PTO or Hardy School website.



- Thurs., Jan.30: Rainbow Alliance Meeting @ 2:30PM


- Mon-Fri., Feb. 3 - 7: Hour of Code - in class at library time

-Tue., Feb 4th Hardy School Chorus Concert @ 6pm

-Wed., Feb. 5: Safe Routes to School - Winter Walk

-Fri., Feb. 7: Kindergarten hosts Treat Train

 4th Grade hosts Caregiver Coffee

-Sat., Feb. 8: Hardy PTO STEAM FEST @11am-2pm

-Tues., Feb.11: APS Coffee Chat: Special Education @ 8am

SEPAC Meeting @ 7:30PM

- Wed., Feb. 12 - February PTO Meeting @ 6:30PM

- Thurs., Feb.13: Rainbow Alliance Meeting @ 2:30PM

Mon., Feb. 13 - Fri., Feb. 17 - February break - No School!

No School Days
  • February 13 - February 17 - February break - No School!

Please note there are programs in Arlington that may provide care during days off:

  • Arlington Boys and Girls Club
  • Fidelity House
Arlington EATS usually provides school vacation lunches for February and April breaks. 
Please call 339-707-6757 for more information. 
Kick off the new year in style!

A new year, a new resolution! Kick off the new year by volunteering or donating.

Why volunteering with the PTO will make your life better…and might even change the world - click here to learn more from Hardy parent Laura Saylor

February's Caregiver Coffee - 4th Grade

Each grade will host a caregiver coffee on the first Friday of the month.  When it's cold, it's held in the Hardy staff lounge, otherwise you'll find us on the Chandler St playground

Responsibility includes picking up 2 boxes of coffee and bringing it to the Chandler St playground and ensuring any trash and leftovers are handled.

4th grade will host on Friday, February 7 and 2 volunteers are needed.  Please sign up here.

February Treat Train - Kindergarten

Join the Hardy PTO Treat Train to deliver some snacks 'n love to Hardy Staff during the first Friday every month!  

Each grade level is assigned a different month to host - February is Kindergarten's turn. 

Please see dates and donation / volunteer requests in the sign up below. Let's show our staff how much we appreciate all that they do!

Click here to volunteer to donate or deliver.

STEAM Fest - Saturday, February 8, 11am-2pm

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math = STEAM!  

Join us for the Hardy STEAM Festival, featuring fun and engaging Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math activities for all! Hands-on activities hosted by Sigma Millipore include Dancing Critters, Chromatography, Find Your Fingerprint, and Self-Inflating Balloon. 

Other activity tables will feature Food Science, Toothpick Marshmallow Structures, DNA origami and DNA extraction, Light Mixing, observing a live axolotl, among others. Live science demos every half an hour and a raffle with a chance to win cool wooden microscopes and gift certificates to Einstein’s Workshop! 

This event needs volunteers to be successful and you can sign up here. It would be wonderful to see new Hardy Community volunteers join this effort!

Book Fair & Literacy Night

The Hardy PTO Book Fair is a much loved annual event and raises funds for the PTO while supporting Arlington's local book store, The Book Rack. 

This event will take place during the week of March 10th-14th. Students will browse during their regular library time that week, but shopping hours will only be before school, after school, and during Literacy Night (Wednesday, March 12th). Please stay tuned for more information about this event and opportunities to volunteer! 

Literacy Night - March 12th 6-8PM Volunteer Sign up

Arlington EATS Beats for EATS - Donations Appreciated

Hardy's Arlington EATS representative Annie Clarke-Lauer is collecting wine and wine related goodies for a gift basket to donate to the Beats for Eats Silent Auction (date/time TBD).  Please email Annie to donate an item.

Join Auction Planning

Do you like party and auction planning?  Join the Auction committee to plan Hardy's auction and 100th birthday celebration!  

We would like to ask if any Hardy community members have items to donate or time to help solicit donations, please email Becky Gibree.

And Thank You!

As we start the year we thank everyone who has donated funds, time, and effort to the mission of the PTO!

We're looking forward to hosting more events, planning more field trips and enrichment, and bringing the fun to Hardy!

PTO News
Safe Routes to School - Yard Sign Contest

The Massachusetts SRTS Program's Yard Sign Design Contest is a way for students to use their creativity to help promote safe roads for cyclists and pedestrians in their communities. The contest is open to students in grades 2-5 at Hardy.

Multilingual signs are encouraged!

Click here for more information and the template to design and form to mail in (parent signature required).

Click here to view prior year signs.

Hardy Garden Team Update

The Hardy Garden Team remains focused on their winter sowing and enrichment fundraising project. Sowing will begin in January. Over 20 kinds of native seeds have already been collected via donation. The team is still collecting clear/translucent bottles (milk, juice, water, gallon vinegar, 2 liter soda). Can you donate any?  If you are interested in helping or have bottles to donate, email!

Our garden serves as a hands-on learning space where students explore the vital role of native perennials in supporting pollinators, discover the joy of caring for shared outdoor spaces, and experience the fun of digging in the dirt.

Treasurer's Update : Nearly at our goal!

Thank you to all who were able to use the holiday season and the start of a new calendar year to explore corporate matching. We are very nearly at our fundraising goal for the year. Many companies will match tax-deductible contributions made by their employees and some will provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift! Please consider corporate matching, learn more here.

If you are thinking about gifting in kind at this time of the year, remember Hardy faculty have put their classroom wishes and Amazon wish lists in this Google Sheet

Do you have any questions? Contact PTO Treasurer Julia Twarog at

February PTO Meeting - Wednesday, February 12

You're invited to the January installment of our monthly PTO meeting. Join at 6:30pm in person in the Hardy Library or via Zoom. Find details on the PTO Calendar.

All are welcome! Curious what happens at a PTO meeting?  Please read this month's meeting notes here.


Casual Coffee Chats with Hardy SPED Coordinator Louisa Popkin! 

Have a special education question or would like to make a connection? Casual coffee chats with Louisa started in December last year and the next one is coming soon Tuesday, February 11. More are planned for April and June at 8AM at the Hardy Cafeteria. Look out for more details in the PTO calendar.

Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a parent group that acts as a resource for parents and advises the district regarding meeting the needs of students with disabilities. SEPAC meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, and alternate morning (9:00am) and evenings (7:30pm) to accommodate a variety of schedules. Check out their brochure and schedule of meetings

Arlington Education Foundation - Innovation Showcase 1/27, 6-8pm
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Schedule:

Mon, Feb 3 (8:15AM - 11:45AM) & Mon, Feb 10 (8:15AM - 11:45AM)

Mon, Mar 3 (8:15AM - 11:45AM) & Tue, Mar 4 ((8:15AM - 11:45AM)

Thu, Apr 10 (8:15AM - 4PM)

Thu, May 15 (8:15AM - 4PM)

Tue, Jun 3 (12 - 3:30PM) & Tue, Jun 10 (12 - 3:30PM)

Register here

AHS Latino Student Union - Movie Night - Coco January 31, 7pm
PTO Fundraising
Donate to Hardy PTO

We appreciate donations to our PTO at any time. Every amount helps! Your donations directly fund the many PTO programs that support and enrich our Hardy School community, and are tax-deductible. Donate here!

Box Tops

Get the Box Tops app and scan receipts with your phone's camera to raise money for Hardy PTO. Learn more and get the app!

Mabel's Labels logo
Mabel's Labels

Order customized labels and other products, and 20% of your purchase goes to Hardy PTO. Visit the site and search for “Hardy Elementary Arlington” to select our program, then shop for products.

Visit the Hardy PTO Website

Visit the Hardy PTO website to sign up for PTO emails, access the student directory, check the calendar, learn more about our programs and events, and find out how you can get involved.

Find Us on Facebook

Join the Hardy School Arlington private Facebook group (free login required) for news, updates, and discussion with other Hardy caregivers. It's full of good information and timely updates and reminders.

Families of Kindergarten students are invited to join the private Facebook group Hardy Kindergarten 2024-2025 (Graduating 5th grade in 2030) Arlington MA

Follow Us on Instagram

Get updates and reminders from the Hardy PTO via Instagram.

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Get the Membership Toolkit App

Download the Membership Toolkit app for streamlined access to the Hardy Student Directory and other PTO info on your mobile device. Visit the App Store, Google Play, or search for "Membership Toolkit" wherever you download apps!

Share With Us

Have a school-related or community announcement that would be of interest to the Hardy community? Please contact

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