hardy pto agenda minuteS

Hardy PTO Meeting Agenda

February 12, 2025


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Gretchen Saunders

  • Chorus concert last week. Many families joined. Ms. Deming runs chorus for 3rd, 4th, 5th graders on Friday mornings. Had some younger students come and listen to the concert. Families are anxious for more performances and family engagement. In spring, we will have a whole school concert as well.
  • Professional development- January 30th, mid-year EL learning walk. People across the district in support of EL coming and walking our classrooms and observing. Talked about the importance of learning targets. Feedback was that Hardy school has really embraced the EL curriculum. Hardy teachers also had visitors today for instructional rounds, looking at what’s happening with student engagement and academic discourse. Director of music, principals/assistant principals from other schools, Allison Elmer (Director of Special Ed) came. They complimented Hardy on the collaborative learning environment and that students seem to really have a voice.


  • Kindergarten- wrapped up weather unit with weather expo. Will start their next module on trees and 3D shapes in math.
  • First grade- moon, stars, sky unit. Writing poems, finished up measurement
  • Second grade- wrapping up work on fossils and finishing narratives about finding fossils. Field trip to Harvard Natural History Museum
  • Third grade- all about frogs. They will be writing essays after break. Mayflower, magnets, and multiplication.
  • 100th day of school celebrations this week
  • Fourth grade- finishing their current module. Will go to first grade classrooms tomorrow and will read their narratives about animals and defense mechanisms to them. Kindness week activities, like kindness notes. Write a kindness note to every other child in the class. The kids seem to enjoy doing it, gives them practice being genuine in their compliments. 
  • Fifth grade- Spirit Week.
  • PE- moving on from hockey and doing volleyball. 


  • President - Becky 
    • Book Fair - Mar 10-14 
    • Literacy Night - Wed Mar 12th - confirm with Gretchen we are ok with Roger and Jana’s therapy dog. Gretchen confirmed that this is okay. There will be a signup to read to one of the dogs. Raffle for stuffed Husky and Hardy book bag. Crafts in the cafeteria.
    • Hardy Auction/100th Birthday - Saturday March 29th, Donut Villa 7-10.  Please ask teachers for donations of experience and links to desired “wishes.”  Raffle tickets will happen in March during lunch
    • 5th Grade:  4th Annual Trash pick-a-thon - April 13 2-3:30, rain date May 4, teachers to give pledge sheets to 5th graders. This event is in memory of Jim Swan, a Hardy parent that passed away a few years ago.
    • Field Day Fri June 6 - Lisa Cleary needs caregivers with younger students to take on an apprenticeship. There is a very organized spreadsheet, and this is a well oiled machine, just need someone to lead this. Fifth graders having their social put on by the Arlington Rec that date too. Hardy PTO can help fund this if needed for any families ($20 per person).
    • Fifth grade skate night- still working on finding a date for this. Looking for other ideas for fundraising instead. Wilson Farms does a spring Harvest Fest-type event with flower sales.
    • Spring Junk in the Trunk- Green Team (Emily Lapolice). Will work on getting a date on the calendar. Idea from a parent- Epilepsy foundation can do a pickup and bring to Savers? Shannon Browne can get a list of items they don’t accept.
    • Please check lost and found 
    • Parent Initiative: Laura Saylor has started a petition regarding YouTube - https://www.michiganmedicine.org/health-lab/young-kids-youtube-viewing-dominated-consumerism-ads
  • Fundraising - Ashlin
    • DDD and other results update
    • Setting dates for other fundraisers -
      • Maxima Shopping- spring date? Usually aim for around Mother’s Day.
      • Blue Ribbon results- $96.36 raised
      • Daily Bloom- March 25, 2025
      • Flatbread Pizza - April 22, 2025 (during spring break)
      • Del’s fundraiser for spring?
      • Thrive Juice for spring?
    • Bake Sale for other events - HS sports, town meeting (April 2025), school committee meeting - other ideas? Be on the lookout for town meeting bake sale sign ups.
  • Treasurer’s Report - Julia
    • 24/25 Budget Review- checks coming in from fundraisers we’ve had, no one overspending or special asks, so we’re in pretty good shape. 
    • Steve McKenna (local realtor) would like to sponsor the auction and ice cream social at the end of the year. We don’t have the Arlington card like Thompson does, which helps them to raise $25-30,000. If anyone has ideas, let us know! Could we find someone to sponsor Harvest Fest and the Spring Fest? Leader Bank or Cambridge Savings Bank? CSB gives grants for education and literacy, so this could be something to look into. East Cambridge Savings Bank gave some money in the past. Parent asked if there’s a list of past sponsors, but this isn’t something we’ve looked into in the past. Shannon Browne will help someone with this task, like brainstorming a list of places to ask. Jennifer Convery had some ideas of places to ask, like Dunkin Donuts and East Cambridge Savings Bank. She will share a list with Shannon. Becky will start a doc on the drive and will share with Shannon. 
    • New online reimbursement form allows submission of all information plus receipts in one place: https://forms.gle/iY7V5JZzWrzvZRi37 OR https://bit.ly/3WXdnEw 
  • Communications - Ashlin, Abi, Desiree
    • Please submit newsletter write ups by Friday
    • Facebook- a few weeks ago, posts were not getting the number of views as usual. Seems to have sorted itself out.
  • DIG - Abi 
    • Black History Month & related communications, March is Women’s History Month. Doing a weekly Black History Month communication. Using resources developed in 2023. 
    • Connecting with Thompson DIG and Arlington HRC- will have more to share at a later date.
    • Noting District Wide activities:
      • APS Pride Logo Competition - March 28 - submit design deadline
    • Noting APS Communications:
      • APS Commitment to Safe and Inclusive Schools - Superintendent email 1/27
      • APS Superintendent: Our Commitment to an Inclusive, Safe, and Supportive APS 2/7
    • Noting Executive Orders including:
      • https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/ending-radical-indoctrination-in-k-12-schooling/
      • Propose that we connect with other DIG groups and PTOs around APS to support our community. Goal of the PTO is to make students feel welcome and seen.
      • Parent asked what percentage of APS budget comes from DOE to Gretchen? She does not have that number, but can research that and get back to us. There was a budget meeting for APS a few weeks ago and Becky will see if she can get the slide from those numbers. If money that funds Rainbow Alliance gets taken away, PTO will vote to fund that. 
  • Safe Routes to School - Marloes & Ashley
      • Please email saferoutes@hardypto.com with issues/observations
      • If students would like to participate in sign making contest - Please go to https://www.mass.gov/info-details/safe-routes-to-school-encouragement#yard-sign-design-contest- Theme of the year is helmet safety. Requires a parent signature, so can’t be done only at school.
      • Need to plan pedestrian and bike training assemblies
      • Kiss and go signs - will reach out to Julia 
      • Parking map of the neighborhood for teachers provided to Gretchen. This can also be put on the PTO website. 
      • Waiting on follow up for No-Idling Signs from Gretchen
  • Enrichment - Becky, Mary Beth, Katey, Aparna & many coordinators (thank you!)
    • Animal assembly (Animal Adventures) - need to find a Friday in March or April (Aparna)
    • Mr. Simon and teachers may be able to perform at Hardy - TBD (Becky)
    • 4th grade - looking at RoboHub or Land’s Sake Farm (Becky)
    • Need input/direction from teachers - if they want to reach out with ideas/timing/requests, please email Becky (president@hardypto.com) to get connected with the correct volunteer
  • Classroom Coordinator - Kate Allen 
    • Emails about donating to auction baskets. After vacation, will start plugging the Book Fair.
  • EATS - Annie Clarke-Lauer
      • Beats for EATS:  Please donate wine or snacks for the Hardy PTO auction basket or Venmo Annie @annie-clarke-lauer by March 2nd 
      • Reminder for teachers to text or email Annie if they take the last bag (snacks@hardypto.com)
      • Snacks are for students who need them. If teachers like to provide snacks in their class more generally, please ask classroom caregivers to donate them
      • Snacks moved to front office 
  • Spirit Wear - Emilie & Julia
      • Spring pop up - time frame - Friday before Book Fair to after Auction to open the Spirit Wear Store. We will have the same items, but may have additional items too. Items will arrive before Field Day.
  • SEPAC - Tunde
      • Louisa Popkin - Hardy/Thomspon Sped coordinator - casual coffee chats  April 15, and June 18 - 8AM - location will be Gretchen’s office or staff lounge. Looking for topics- Maybe school avoidance?
      • Seems as though SEPAC meetings are building some social time into meetings to build relationships.
  • Garden - Alham, Amisha, and Erica
    • Spring cleaning and planting TBD
    • Grant was submitted for additional funds for the garden and for raised beds. We should hear back about that the week after February vacation.
  • Buddy Program - Megan Rucupero - we have a host volunteer, but not requests. If any teachers have students that are new, please reach out if you think they’d benefit from a buddy family. 
  • Green Team - Emily Lapolice - we will put out a crayon recycling bin. Will work with Mary to find a spot for this. 


  • Need to plan or need volunteers:
    • March 24th Teacher Lunch (Jennifer Kupiec) - will need volunteers to provide sides, drinks, and desserts & set-up and clean-up
    • March 10-14 Book Fair (Rachel, Kate, Emilie) - need caregiver volunteers for set up and classroom browsing
    • Literacy Night  (Becky)- Wed March 12th  - need organizers to work with Becky
    • Auction (Ashlin, Becky) - will need donations and night-of assistance
    • TA Week May - (Jennifer Kupiec) - need other organizers for 4 days of activities, Friday the principal plans a treat
    • Field Day (Lisa Cleary) Fri June 6 - new PE teachers - start planning in January.  Need an apprentice to the lead planner
    • Email to get high school volunteers:  AHSCommunityService@arlington.k12.ma.us


  • STEAM - Alham, Jason, Julia, Vasanthi, Ellen, Jackie, Mary, Shahram, Lauren. Great to have high school volunteers and new volunteers!
  • Caregiver Coffee (4th grade) Erin and Treat Train (Kindergarten) Ying and Desiree

Please find archived minutes here:


PTO Agenda Minutes 2024-2025 School Year


Archived PTO Agenda Minutes 2023-2024 School Year


Archived PTO Agenda Minutes 2022-2023 School Year


Archived PTO Agenda Minutes 2021-2022 School Year


Archived PTO Agenda Minutes 2020-2021 School Year


Archived PTO Agenda Minutes 2013-2019