Why volunteering with the PTO will make your life better…and might even change the world


By: Laura Saylor, Hardy parent


Did you know that Volunteerism in the US is at a 30 year low? Forbes magazine reported this grim statistic last year, along with the opinion that this fact is driving some of the division we see in society. The converse is a happier thought—that rolling up one’s sleeves to pitch in and help has the potential to not only produce some of the positive changes we wish to see in the world, but also to bring us together to listen and learn from one another and find a place of unexpected respect. 


In my 9 years as a Hardy parent, I have seen this to be true. When my oldest daughter started kindergarten, I was nervous about meeting other parents at Hardy who were so different than me. Would we fit in? I had grown up in public schools in CA and VA that were vibrant and well funded in the 1990s. When my kids started out in Arlington Public Schools, I saw many areas for growth. I decided to channel my concerns into joining the PTO efforts to try to make our school the best it could be. In doing so, I’ve made connections with people who are utterly different than me in a way that has expanded my understanding, changed the way I see the world and allowed me to build bridges in friendship across rivers of difference. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the PTO’s most dedicated volunteer and I don’t know all the parents at Hardy—not even close. I’m a parent of 3 with a staggering number of plates spinning in my personal and vocational life. (If lack of time is keeping you from volunteering with the PTO, you can borrow my marathon vs. sprint approach…to pick some small way to use your talents for 1-2 hours each month to make the school a better place. A little bit at a time over many years still reaps results!) 

Mayo clinic reports that volunteering enhances mental and physical health by increasing positive feelings of meaning and appreciation. It gives one a sense of purpose to put one’s skills to work. Lastly, it’s a great way to make friends and can help build a sense of community and establish a local support system. Would you consider investing your time and talents into our community in 2025? Your kids will benefit and so will you!


Please check out volunteer opportunities for events linked on Hardy PTO's main webpage and/or reach out to PTO President Becky Gibree to see how you can get involved.