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Originally delivered on 2/24/2025 2:05 pm

SUBJECT: Hardy Happenings: February 2025

Hardy Sign in Autumn
Hardy Happenings - February 2025

We hope everyone had a restful and healthy break!  We are looking forward to all the fun activities planned for March - the Book Fair, Literacy Night, and the parent's night out at Donut Villa with an auction to benefit Hardy!

A quick reminder that the last Friday of each month is Hardy Spirit Day - feel free to wear your Hardy gear (another sale happening in March - watch this space!) or Hardy's school color of blue.

Check out Principal Saunders' latest update here.

Remember to please reach out to PTO president, Becky Gibree ( or our school admin Ms. Mary Bellerose ( with any questions you can't find answers to on the Hardy PTO or Hardy School website.



- Thurs., Feb. 27: Rainbow Alliance Meeting @ 2:30PM

Fri., Feb. 28:  Hardy Spirit Day


- Sat., Mar. 1: All Town Orchestra @12noon at AHS

- Fri., Mar. 7: 1st grade hosts Treat Train 

Caregiver Coffee (any grade/caregiver to host)

- Mar. 10-12:Hardy Book Fair

- Wed., Mar 12: Literacy Night

-Thurs., Mar 13: Rainbow Alliance Meeting @ 2:30PM

- Wed., Mar 19: March PTO Meeting @ 6:30PM & Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

-Sat., Mar 29th:  Hardy Caregiver's Night Out & Auction @ Donut Villa 7PM

March's Caregiver Coffee - Any Grade Can Host!

Each grade has hosted a caregiver coffee on the first Friday of the month this school year.  When it's cold, it's held in the Hardy staff lounge, otherwise you'll find us on the Chandler St playground

Responsibility includes picking up 2 boxes of coffee and bringing it to the Chandler St playground and ensuring any trash and leftovers are handled. Any Grade is able to host on Friday, March 7 and two volunteers are needed. Will it be you? Please sign up here.

March Treat Train - 1st Grade

Join the Hardy PTO Treat Train to deliver some snacks 'n love to Hardy Staff during the first Friday every month!  

Each grade level is assigned a different month to host - March is 1st Grade's turn. 

Please see dates and donation / volunteer requests in the sign up below. Let's show our staff how much we appreciate all that they do!

Click here to volunteer to donate or deliver.

Book Fair & Literacy Night

The Hardy PTO Book Fair is a much loved annual event and raises funds for the PTO while supporting Arlington's local book store, The Book Rack. 

This event will take place during the week of March 10th-14th. Students will browse during their regular library time that week, but shopping hours will only be before school, after school, and during Literacy Night (Wednesday, March 12th). Please stay tuned for more information about this event and opportunities to volunteer! 

Literacy Night - March 12th 6-8PM  

Volunteer Sign up

Arlington EATS - Beats for EATS - Donations Appreciated

Hardy's Arlington EATS representative Annie Clarke-Lauer is collecting wine and wine related goodies for a gift basket to donate to the Beats for Eats Silent Auction Saturday, March 22.  

Please email Annie to donate an item.

Get your 1920s Glad Rags on!

Join Auction Planning and/or Book A Babysitter!  

Do you like party and auction planning?  Join the Auction committee to plan Hardy's auction and 100th birthday celebration!  Volunteers are needed to help set up the day of the event and be on hand during the event.  Sign-up genius to come, but please email Becky Gibree if you'd like to volunteer.

We would like to ask if any Hardy community members have items to donate (e.g., gift cards, event tickets, weekends at a summer home, etc) or time to help solicit donations, please email Becky Gibree.

Also - book your babysitters for the event - Saturday March 29th at 7PMat Donut Villa! It will be a 1920's themed party so feel free to wear you flapper headbands and finest fedoras.

There will be music, a cash bar, free (heavy) appetizers and donuts, and of course the silent auction to help grant teacher and staff wishes to improve our students' experience at Hardy!

PTO News
Safe Routes to School - Crossing Guard Appreciation!

March is the time of year for Crossing Guard appreciation.  Our crossing guards are Linda Carella (corner of Lake St and Brooks Ave) and Katherine Kriketos (Chandler/Herbert).   

In Massachusetts, we show our appreciation on March 19.  Stay tuned for a printable card from the MA Safe Routes Program but feel free to have your student make a card for your crossing guards. Also, please note, Hardy's arrival and dismissal plan has been updated for the new door 1st grade started using this year.  Please take a look here.

Hardy Green Team Update

The Hardy Green Team is working on a "Junk in the Trunk" free sale in the spring.  The idea is to put items you'd like to give away (that are in decent condition) in your trunk and park at Hardy and "shop" at other people's trunks.  

Stay tuned for more details and email if you have questions or would like to help!

Treasurer's Update : Looking forward to more events!

We're looking forward to more fun and fundraising events coming up in March and April. Are you getting ready for Hardy Caregiver's Night Out and Auctionon March 29 at Donut Villa and the fundraising day at Sacco's BowlHaven and American Flatbread in Davis Square on April 22?

Remember many companies will match tax-deductible contributions made by their employees and some will provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift! Please consider corporate matching, learn more here.

If you are thinking about gifting in kind at this time of the year, remember Hardy faculty have put their classroom wishes and Amazon wish lists in this Google Sheet

Do you have any questions? Contact PTO Treasurer Julia Twarog at

March PTO Meeting - Wednesday, March 12

You're invited to the March installment of our monthly PTO meeting. Join at 6:30pm in person in the Hardy Library or via Zoom. Find details on the PTO Calendar.

All are welcome! Curious what happens at a PTO meeting?  Please read this month's meeting notes here.


Casual Coffee Chats with Hardy SPED Coordinator Louisa Popkin! 

Have a special education question or would like to make a connection? Casual coffee chats with Louisa started in December last year and February's was cancelled due to ill health. Look out for  more planned chats in April and June at 8AM at the Hardy Cafeteria, details are in the PTO calendar.

Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a parent group that acts as a resource for parents and advises the district regarding meeting the needs of students with disabilities. SEPAC meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, and alternate morning (9:00am) and evenings (7:30pm). Check out their brochure and schedule of meetings. 

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Schedule:

Mon, Mar 3 (8:15AM - 11:45AM) & Tue, Mar 4 ((8:15AM - 11:45AM)

Thu, Apr 10 (8:15AM - 4PM)

Thu, May 15 (8:15AM - 4PM)

Tue, Jun 3 (12 - 3:30PM) & Tue, Jun 10 (12 - 3:30PM)

Register here

New Taylor Swift camp run by Dallin school mom Dana Lynne Varga will take place in August in Lexington, just a mile from the Arlington Trader Joe's! Dana designed Camp Swiftie with parents in mind, to cover those tricky last weeks of August when camps are hard to find. Check it out at

Era one: August 11-15, 2025, 9am to 3pm
Era two: August 18-22, 2025 9am to 3pm
Era three: August 25-29, 2025 9am to 3pm

Aftercare available 3-5pm as a separate registration. This camp is expected to fill, so register soon! 

Annual Town Survey

The survey closes March 3, 2025. Take the survey and share your thoughts about your needs and vision for Arlington's future.

Sign up - Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a nonprofit after-school program designed to inspire and empower young girls*. *Open to 3rd-5th grade female-identifying, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students.

PTO Fundraising
Donate to Hardy PTO

We appreciate donations to our PTO at any time. Every amount helps! Your donations directly fund the many PTO programs that support and enrich our Hardy School community, and are tax-deductible. Donate here!

Box Tops

Get the Box Tops app and scan receipts with your phone's camera to raise money for Hardy PTO. Learn more and get the app!

Mabel's Labels logo
Mabel's Labels

Order customized labels and other products, and 20% of your purchase goes to Hardy PTO. Visit the site and search for “Hardy Elementary Arlington” to select our program, then shop for products.

Visit the Hardy PTO Website

Visit the Hardy PTO website to sign up for PTO emails, access the student directory, check the calendar, learn more about our programs and events, and find out how you can get involved.

Find Us on Facebook

Join the Hardy School Arlington private Facebook group (free login required) for news, updates, and discussion with other Hardy caregivers. It's full of good information and timely updates and reminders.

Families of Kindergarten students are invited to join the private Facebook group Hardy Kindergarten 2024-2025 (Graduating 5th grade in 2030) Arlington MA

Follow Us on Instagram

Get updates and reminders from the Hardy PTO via Instagram.

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Get the Membership Toolkit App

Download the Membership Toolkit app for streamlined access to the Hardy Student Directory and other PTO info on your mobile device. Visit the App Store, Google Play, or search for "Membership Toolkit" wherever you download apps!

Share With Us

Have a school-related or community announcement that would be of interest to the Hardy community? Please contact

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