Hardy Caregivers' Night Out & Auction to Support Hardy!
This is an opportunity to get together with fellow Hardy Caregivers to celebrate Hardy's 100th Birthday and participate in the silent auction to benefit Hardy Elementary! The goal is to raise money for teacher and staff's special wishes for items to benefit our students.
There will be music, cash bar, free appetizers, silent auction, and maybe some dancing (you never know!).
Volunteers are needed to help set up - please sign up here or email Becky Gibree (president@hardypto.com) to help.
If you have anything to donate (e.g., a gift card, gift basket, event tickets, weekends away at a summer home, etc), please reach out to Becky Gibree (president@hardypto.com) to coordinate. Thank you!
Saturday, March 29, 2025 7:00pm