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Originally delivered on 10/21/2024 10:04 am

SUBJECT: Hardy Happenings: October 2024

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Hardy Happenings - October 2024

School news, events, and volunteer opportunities, published monthly by the Hardy PTO. Visit the Hardy PTO website to sign up for PTO emails, access the student directory, and learn more.


It was so great to see the Hardy community out and about this October!  Harvest Fest was a beautiful day to gather and enjoy what fall has to offer (donuts, obviously).  Our Safe Routes to School Team did a fantastic job hosting the Bike Rodeo and I hope kids and parents feel better about bike safety after participating.

Our next fun event will be Hardy PTO's Trunk or Treat on Oct 25th at 6:15PM in the Hardy parking lot.  Learn more and please sign up to decorate your car or donate treats here.  

Thank you for your support at curriculum night as well - the PTO received many donations to the Direct Donation Drive, celebrated the halfway point to 200 families participating, and I've heard from several caregivers about ideas and volunteering they'd like to participate in. It's been amazing to see the community standing up to the call for volunteers and involvement!

As you heard at curriculum night, Hardy is rolling out a new English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum this year.  Many topics are rolled into this, and I encourage you to talk to your child's teacher or the PTO's enrichment team if you have expertise to offer.  Maybe you're a scientist, poet, naturalist, history buff - part of the ELA curriculum is community involvement and the PTO would love to facilitate this with Hardy's ELA coach Sarah Daggett.

Feel free to reach out to me ( or our fabulous school admin Ms. Mary Bellerose ( with any questions you aren't finding answer to on the Hardy PTO or Hardy School website.

Becky Gibree

Hardy PTO President


Principal Saunders is sending a regular Hardy Elementary Newsletter. Please follow this link to read the latest October 21 edition.

And a reminder, if you are managing an early or late arrival or dismissal please email to let us know. 

This email address can also be used if you are making changes to pick up arrangements. Please let us know if another person will be picking up your child.

Thursday, October 24
8:00a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Friday, October 25
6:15p Hardy PTO Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 27
1:00p Dan Kelly Foundation Halloween Skate
Friday, November 1
8:00a Caregiver Coffee @ Drop Off (Chandler St Playground)
12:45p Treat Train Delivery to Teachers and Staff
Saturday, November 2
10:00a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Monday, November 4
7:00a The Great Pumpkin Rescue - Hardy PTO Green Team Pumpkin Composting
Tuesday, November 5
No School: Election Day - GO VOTE!
7:00a 5th Grade Bake Sale @ Presidential Elections
Friday, November 8
9:00a Cash for Candy
Saturday, November 9
8:00a Cash for Candy
Monday, November 11
No School: Veteran's Day
Tuesday, November 12
7:30p SEPAC Meeting
Wednesday, November 13
6:30p November PTO Meeting
Upcoming - No School Days/Extra Early Release
  • November 5 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ONLY - Professional Development Day
  • November 11 - NO SCHOOL Veterans Day
  • November 27th - 11:30AM release - optional bagged lunch available
  • November 28-29 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving
  • December 23 - Jan 1 - NO SCHOOL Winter Break

Please note there are programs in Arlington that may provide care during days off:

  • Arlington Boys and Girls Club
  • Fidelity House
Arlington EATS provides school vacation lunches. Please call 339-707-6757 for more.
Hardy PTO's Trunk or Treat

Friday, October 25, 6:15pm-7:30pm

Trunk or Treat is this Friday! Join in the fun. Decorate your trunk, contribute candy or non-candy prizes, or lend a hand! Learn more and sign up to volunteer or add your 'trunk' to join in the fun this Friday at this link!

Annual APS Pumpkin Recycling Event Monday, November 4

Pumpkin recycling drop off guidelines:

  • Families should bring their pumpkins to the Chandler St. parking lot near the playground during school drop off or by no later than 3pm

  • Pumpkins and gourds of ANY size will be accepted

  • Remove candles/tea lights.

  • Pumpkins with paint or bling will NOT be accepted -if you can cut those pieces off, Black Earth Compost will accept the rest.

Why are we doing this?: Pumpkins can not go in yard waste as they are considered food waste. They are heavy and water-filled and we do not want them going in the trash to be incinerated and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Composting pumpkins allows them to be naturally processed for helping gardens, trees, and new food to grow.

Volunteers Needed: Parents are needed to help oversee pumpkin drop off in the morning and to help toss pumpkins into the truck when Black Earth Compost arrives at 3pm. Please contact Emily at to volunteer.

Looking for Donations - Hardy Afterschool Program

The Hardy Afterschool Program (HASP) is looking for donations of:

  • Kindergarten-3rd Grade clothing (Pants (any type), Underwear and Socks)

Donations can be dropped at the front office or to HASP (Open 2:30-6:00 PM) .Please reach out with any questions or concerns by email at 

Thank you for your support!

Picture Day Follow Up

LATE ORDERS: You can order online at any time. 

RETAKE DAY: Scheduled for Thursday December 5th. If your student was absent, Coffeepond has already generated a list and there is nothing more you need to do. If you are not happy with your photo, please email Roslyn Fitzgerald at to have your student/s name added to the list. Please include the class and teacher's name in email. Students must return the photo package they received from Coffeepond on retake day, unless delivered digitally. 

PHOTO DELIVERY: Portrait packages will arrive 3-5 weeks after picture day, usually in your child's backpack. Class/group photos will arrive after retake day. 

CONCERNS/CUSTOMER SERVICE:  Please do not email the school with questions about picture day. Instead, call (508) 907 6633 x 0 or email

Hardy Facebook Groups - Get the info you need!

Families of incoming Kindergarten students are invited to join the private Facebook group Hardy Kindergarten 2024-2025 (Graduating 5th grade in 2030) Arlington MA

The Hardy Facebook page is full of good information and timely updates and reminders.

Nurse Sarah's Corner

It's that time of year again. The days are getting shorter and the temperatures colder. It's also a time of more bugs, sickness and ill health. If your child is sick and you are wondering when they should stay home please use this list:

When to stay home:

Your student should remain at home if they have:

  • Uncontrollable and/or productive cough

  • Fever over 100.4 degrees fahrenheit within past 24 hours

  • Vomiting or diarrhea within past 24 hours

  • Sore throat and swollen glands

  • Undiagnosed rash or skin eruptions

  • Earache, severe headache or drainage from eyes

Students should remain home for 24 hours after an acute illness or after starting antibiotics for a diagnosed infection. They should also be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc). These absences can be excused with a note from a student's health care provider.

Managing Lice

Lice have been and always will be part of humans’ lives. Lice typically find new hosts by crawling from head to head, and less likely by sharing items like combs and hats. Lice do not jump or fly, or live on pets or other animals. They must feed on human blood every few hours to live, and most adult lice die within 24 hours off of a host (younger lice cannot live off a host for more than a few hours).  Lice can live up to a month. They live on the scalp, laying eggs after they are 7 days old.  Eggs take 7-9 days to hatch, which is why it is important to re-treat for lice after nine days. Understanding the life cycle helps people to treat it effectively.

Schools no longer exclude students for lice. If your child is found to have lice at school, the nurse will call you and let you know, and provide you with advice and support. In general, it’s a great idea to periodically check your child’s head throughout the year.  You can find good info on head lice at the CDC website here, and examples of what an egg and lice look like here

If you’re unsure if your child has lice, I am happy to check. Just give me a call or send me an email. Also, if you need assistance with purchasing treatment items, or performing the treatments, please reach out to me.

Here are some helpful steps to avoid the spread of head lice. Kindly reinforce these with your child(ren):

  • Avoid head to head contact for prolonged periods of time

  • Avoid sharing combs, brushes, hats, scarves, hair accessories, etc.

  • Hang coats up and placing hats/scarves inside a pocket or sleeve of coat

Reminder - APS New SNAP Portal

Have you signed up to the APS SNAP Portal? This is a new way to access your child's health information and to receive messages from the school nurse. Check out the SNAP health information portal and check your email for links to register.  All medical information will be available to you and the school nurse using this portal. The portal is a fast and easy way for you to communicate health information for your child. 


Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)  is a parent group that acts as a resource for parents and advises the district regarding meeting the needs of students with disabilities.  To learn more check out their website and brochure

SEPAC meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, and alternate morning (9:00am) and evening meetings (7:30pm) to accommodate a variety of schedules. The full schedule of meetings calendar can be found here. Meetings are held via Zoom: 

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

Arrival/Dismissal Reminders

Now that you’ve settled into your new routines, we invite you to review the arrival/dismissal plan that was developed by Hardy's Safe Routes to School Committee in partnership with the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program here.

Please note:

  • Dogs are not allowed on school property
  • Cross streets at the crosswalks (yes this means don't cross Lake St near the Kindergarten door)
  • Pay attention to the crossing guards Linda (Lake and Brooks) and Katherine (Chandler and Hebert)
  • No parking in front of school on Brooks Ave
  • Chandler St is a pick up/drop off area (kiss and go! Just like the airport)
  • Idling is illegal near schools 
  • Walk your bike/scooter in crosswalks

Get more details about these initiatives, and contact our SRTS coordinator Ashley Kresl with questions at

School Meals Program

A reminder that Massachusetts provides universal free school meals program. This includes breakfast and lunch. Find menus here. If you have any questions regarding the lunch program, please contact the Food Service Department at 781-316-3641 or 

PTO News
PTO Direct Donation Drive - Now is the time to donate!

Haven't got around to making your donation yet? Now is the time. We're only at 56% of our goal of 200 families donating. Every year, the PTO asks Hardy community members directly for voluntary contributions. The Direct Donation Drive allows us to avoid traditional PTO fundraising tasks such as students selling door-to-door and catalog sales. Support from Hardy families and friends provides essential experiences and supplies for our students and teachers. Thank you to everyone who has already donated.

Donations help pay for field trips, assemblies, teacher grants, facilities improvements, community events, and more. The PTO is planning to spend ~$145 per student.  Please consider donating this amount for your student if you are able, but please know that any gift of any size makes a difference.

Information about Employer Matching can be found on the PTO's fundraising page and please email Treasurer Julia Twarog if you need assistance.

Other Fundraising & Donations

The Direct Donation Drive and PTO Budget is separate from other times families are asked for voluntary donations.  

1) Classroom Coordinator Donations - your classroom coordinator will ask for voluntary donations to buy teacher and teaching assistant's gifts and extra supplies for the classroom.

2) Fifth Grade Fundraising - fifth graders will be doing their own fundraising to support the extra expenses related to end of year activities and graduation.  

Donations are always voluntary and always appreciated!

Hardy Water Bottle Fundraiser

Lake St crossing guard Linda Carella is fundraising to benefit the Hardy PTO.  For every $20 water bottle ordered, $5 will be donated to the PTO.  Place your order here. Thank you for your support Linda!

Hardy Spirit Wear Orders Arriving mid-November

Thanks to all who ordered Hardy Spirit Wear. Look out for more info and delivery and distribution mid-November.

STEAM Fest Planning

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math = STEAM!  

The Hardy PTO has a committee of STEAM enthusiasts planning an interactive festival to be held on February 9, 2025. If you are interesting in joining this committee, please reach out to Alham Saadat.

Hardy Garden Team Update

Thanks to the generous contributions from families, the PTO has been able to fund the purchase of plants and spring bulbs for the Hardy garden. Our garden serves as a hands-on learning space where students explore the vital role of native perennials in supporting pollinators, discover the joy of caring for shared outdoor spaces, and experience the fun of digging in the dirt. Thank you to the Hardy Garden Team for the fall bulb planting!  We can't wait to see the results in the spring.

Interested in helping?  Email to get in touch!

Treasurer's Update

Everything is Free For Teachers

We started a “free list” for teachers, using a google drive and uploading photos.  You’re welcome to offer Hardy faculty your donations here. Instructions can be found here.

Hardy faculty has been putting their classroom wishes and Amazon wish lists here, so please take a look and see if you have anything to donate.

Questions? Contact PTO Treasurer Julia Twarog at


Getting involved is a great way to help improve your child’s experience at Hardy and to meet other caregivers in your neighborhood. Did you know PTO funds and plans school field trips and in school presentations for Hardy? We need volunteers to help teachers plan and book all these fun and enriching experiences for students. Visit our Volunteer and Events pages (updated regularly) to find opportunities to help out with upcoming PTO events!

Don't forget that in order to volunteer you'll need to get a CORI background check through the Hardy main office. Find details here.

Here are some ways you can help:

PTO Needs Your Help
5th Grade Bake Sale - Election Day 11/5

5th Grade students and caregivers will be hosting a bake sale during the Presidential Election on Tuesday November 5th (no school!). 5th Graders are responsible for raising funds for the extra activities they enjoy during their last year at Hardy.  Please consider donating a baked item or candy bars to be sold to help them fund the fun!

Items should be individually wrapped (store bought baked goods and candy is OK) and clearly labeled.  If your items are gluten, dairy, or nut free - please label it as such. Bake sale volunteers should have at least 1 adult present per shift. Thank you!

Email Becky Gibree with questions:

Treat Train

Join the Hardy PTO Treat Train to deliver some snacks 'n love to Hardy Staff during the first Friday every month!  

Each grade level is assigned a different month to host - November is 5th grade's turn. 

Please see dates and donation / volunteer requests in the sign up below. Let's show our staff how much we appreciate all that they do!

Click here to volunteer to donate or deliver.

Host a Caregiver Coffee

Each grade will host a caregiver coffee on the first Friday of the month, weather permitting.  

Responsibility includes picking up 2 boxes of coffee and bringing it to the Chandler St playground and ensuring any trash and leftovers are handled.

1st grade will host on Friday, November 1 and 2 volunteers are needed.  Please sign up here.

November PTO Meeting - Wednesday, Nov 13th

You're invited to the November installment of our monthly PTO meeting. Join at 6:30pm in person in the Hardy Library or via Zoom. Find details on the PTO Calendar.

All are welcome! Curious what happens at a PTO meeting?  Please read last month's meeting notes here.

Streamlined Student Directory Access - Get the App!

Did you know the Hardy PTO website has a searchable student directory? If that sounds useful to you, adding the Membership Toolkit app to your mobile device makes it a lot easier to search and navigate. 

To get the app, visit the App Store, Google Play, or search for "Membership Toolkit" wherever you download apps.

Community News and Events
Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings

Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings are an evidence- and skills-based training that teaches adults how to identify, understand, and respond to a young person experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. Arlington parents and caregivers are invited to attend Thursday, October 24 and Saturday, November 2. Register at this registration link.

Volunteer Daffodil Planting Arlington Chamber of Commerce

The Arlington Chamber of Commerce is excited to partner with the town for a special initiative to plant 10,000 daffodil bulbs along the historic Battle of Menotomy reenactment route in Arlington. 

Planting started yesterday but if you are able to do some volunteer planting prior to October 28 sign up at this link.

Dan Kelly Foundation Halloween Skate
Dan Kelly Foundation Halloween Skate
Magnolia Park Halloween Event
Halloween Event at Waldo Park, Thursday, October 31st

All are invited to the annual Waldo Park Halloween Party on Thursday the 31st.  We’ll gather at the Park beginning at 4:30 pm, and have a costume "fashion show" that’ll start around 5:00 pm or so.  A light dinner (hot dogs and veggie items) will be served, so that all who wish can eat a meal before trick-or-treating. (Waldo Park is located at the end of Teel Street, off of Mass Ave).  

PTO Fundraising
Donate to Hardy PTO

We appreciate donations to our PTO at any time. Every amount helps! Your donations directly fund the many PTO programs that support and enrich our Hardy School community, and are tax-deductible. Donate here!

Box Tops

Get the Box Tops app and scan receipts with your phone's camera to raise money for Hardy PTO. Learn more and get the app!

Mabel's Labels logo
Mabel's Labels

Order customized labels and other products, and 20% of your purchase goes to Hardy PTO. Visit the site and search for “Hardy Elementary Arlington” to select our program, then shop for products.

Visit the Hardy PTO Website

Visit the Hardy PTO website to sign up for PTO emails, access the student directory, check the calendar, learn more about our programs and events, and find out how you can get involved.

Find Us on Facebook

Join the Hardy School Arlington private Facebook group (free login required) for news, updates, and discussion with other Hardy caregivers.

Follow Us on Instagram

Get updates and reminders from the Hardy PTO via Instagram.

Membership Toolkit Icon
Get the Membership Toolkit App

Download the Membership Toolkit app for streamlined access to the Hardy Student Directory and other PTO info on your mobile device. Visit the App Store, Google Play, or search for "Membership Toolkit" wherever you download apps!

Share With Us

Have a school-related or community announcement that would be of interest to the Hardy community? Please contact

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