Hardy Happenings - September 2024 |
School news, events, and volunteer opportunities, published monthly by the Hardy PTO. Visit the Hardy PTO website to sign up for PTO emails, access the student directory, and learn more about our programs. |
| | Welcome to the 24/25 year at Hardy Elementary! By way of introduction, my name is Becky Gibree and I'll be your PTO president this year. My husband Brian and I have two kids - James (4th) and John (1st).
Joining me on the PTO Board are Julia Twarog (Treasurer), Rachel Miller (Secretary), Ashlin Bolton (VP Fundraising/Communications), and Abi Shantz-Vogt (Diversity and Inclusion/Communications).
We are thrilled to have you as part of the community and am looking forward to seeing people at these upcoming PTO events: Fri Oct 4th 8AM Drop Off: 4th grade caregivers will host the monthly caregiver coffee on the Chandler St playground |
Sat Oct 5th 12:30 - 3:30: Harvest Fest and Bike Rodeo - come buy pumpkins, mums, donuts, and cider to benefit the Hardy PTO and/or attend the Bike Rodeo to learn about bike safety. Sign up below. Fri Oct 25th 6:15 - 7:30PM: Halloween Trunk or Treat. Sign up below. We are trying to pull together as much information to help people get settled at school. This is what we have so far: Back to School Basics Feel free to reach out to me (president@hardypto.com) or our school admin Ms. Mary Bellerose (mbellerose@arlington.k12.ma.us) with any questions you aren't finding answer to on the Hardy PTO or Hardy School website. We hope new and returning families alike will get involved in the PTO this year! Take a look at the currently available volunteer opportunities either on the website (updated periodically), or suggest a new project to enhance our school community. We look forward to seeing Hardy grow as a community in the 24/25 school year. Becky Gibree Hardy PTO President |
NOTES FROM PRINCIPAL SAUNDERS Welcome to the 24-25 school year! Please follow this link to read Principal Saunders' welcome letter. If you are managing an early or late arrival or dismissal please email hardysafearrival@arlington.k12.ma.us to let us know. This email address can also be used if you are making changes to pick up arrangements. Please let us know if another person will be picking up your child.
As we get into the school year, we're getting into the swing of dismissal times. We have early release every Wednesday at 1:00pm. Every other weekday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday school dismissal is 2:30pm.
With back to school busyness we also have our fair share of viruses and ill health going around. We have a great supply of free Covid tests and masks in the office. Please drop in and say hello and pick up some tests and masks. |
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| Tuesday, September 17 | | Wednesday, October 2 | | Thursday, October 3 | | Friday, October 4 | | Saturday, October 5 | | Tuesday, October 8 | | Wednesday, October 9 | | | Monday, October 14 | | Friday, October 25 | |
| PTO Annual Harvest Fest & Bike Rodeo - October 5, 12:30-3:30pm It's that time of year! Come enjoy apple cider, donuts and craft activities. Come get your pumpkins and mums! Sign up here to volunteer and help make this event as awesome as ever. See more below about the bike rodeo and sign up your Hardy cyclists to participate. |
| Back to School Night - October 9, 6:00pm-8:00pm Back to School Night is a fantastic opportunity for you to get a firsthand glimpse into your child's educational journey this year. Back-to-School Nights are informative sessions designed to bridge the gap between home and school. This is your chance to meet your child's teachers, gain insights into classroom routines, curriculum plans, and discover how you can actively support your child's learning experience. This is separate from parent-teacher conferences. Teachers will not be able to discuss your child's progress with you at the event. |
Hardy Music: Chorus Sign Ups You’re invited to join…CHORUS! Who: 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Hardy Students What: Singing, Singing, Singing! Chorus will rehearse once a week before school and will have several performances throughout the year. Where: Hardy Music Room (ground floor) When: Friday Mornings, 7:30-8:00 am Why: Build community, meet new people, show school spirit, and learn awesome songs while doing it. Fill out the chorus google form and email Ms. Deming with any questions. |
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Thank you Hardy Community for your attention to Safe Routes to School (SRTS). The Safe Routes Committee is working together with teachers and administration to plan pedestrian and bike education for students. The team has planned the October 5 bike rodeo for kids to have an interactive learning experience. Arrival/Dismissal Reminders Now that you’ve settled into your new routines, we invite you to review the arrival/dismissal plan that was developed by Hardy's Safe Routes to School Committee in partnership with the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program here. Please note: - Dogs are not allowed on school property
- Cross streets at the crosswalks
- Pay attention to the crossing guards Linda (Lake and Brooks) and Katherine (Chandler and Hebert)
- No parking in front of school on Brooks Ave
- Chandler St is a pick up/drop off area (kiss and go! Just like the airport)
- Idling is illegal near schools
- Walk your bike/scooter in crosswalks
Officer Corey Rateau informs us that the Arlington Police will begin to ticket if anything becomes a safety issue.If you’re wondering about the no parking/stopping signs around Hardy, please see Officer Rateau’s explanation here. Bike Rodeo Hardy PTO and it's SRTS Committee will be hosting a bike rodeo on Saturday, October 5th in conjunction with Harvest Fest. A bicycle rodeo is a fun way to teach children about the rules of the road while practicing safe bicycling. The rodeo consists of stations and courses where children can learn about bicycle safety and practice safe bicycle skills. Sign up here to participate. Sign up here to volunteer. Get more details about these initiatives, and contact our SRTS coordinator Ashley Kresl with questions at saferoutes@hardypto.com. |
Drive Safe and Watch for Kids Check out Officer Rateau's video below for more |
School Meals Program Massachusetts provides universal free school meals program. This includes breakfast and lunch. Find menus here. If you have any questions regarding the lunch program, please contact the Food Service Department at 781-316-3641 or schoollunch@arlington.k12.ma.us |
SEPAC Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a parent group that acts as a resource for parents and advises the district regarding meeting the needs of students with disabilities. To learn more please check out their website and brochure. SEPAC Business meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, and alternate morning (9:00am) and evening meetings (7:30pm) to accommodate the widest variety of schedules. Meetings will be held via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86234778319?pwd=ZDFPdDNZZjZxbXVwNUYyZDR1VjJsUT09 The full schedule of meetings for the 2024-2025 school year has also been released and can be found on the calendar here. |
| Nurse Sarah's Corner The Hardy PTO would like to welcome Nurse Sarah Appleton to Hardy! Medication Drop off If you have not yet contacted the office for medication drop off, please do so ASAP. Annual Physicals Please be sure to submit a copy of your student's annual physical form as soon as they've had their doctor's appointment. |
APS New SNAP Portal APS has a new way to access your child's health information and to receive messages from the school nurse. Check out the SNAP health information portal and check your email for links to register. You must be registered to receive messages. FLU/COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics The vaccine clinic has been scheduled for Monday, October 7 from 3:00-6:00 pm for ages 3 and up*. Other Vaccines available by request: Meningococcal, MMR, Tetanus, Varicella, etc. Please schedule your appointment in advance & select the vaccines you wish to receive at this Link. Please bring an Insurance card if you have one and wear a short sleeved shirt. *For students, a parent/guardian must be present Looking for Donations The Nurse's office is looking for donations of: 🩲New underwear - sizes 4/5 - 7/8 (basically Kindergarten - 3rd grade) 👖New or used sweatpants - all sizes Donations can be dropped at the front office or if you are mailing something, send to: Nurse's Office c/o Hardy Elementary, 52 Lake St, Arlington, MA 02474A Please reach out with any questions or concerns. (781) 316-3788 hardy.nurse@arlington.k12.ma.us |
Upcoming - No School Days
| - October 3 - NO SCHOOL Rosh Hashanah
- October 14 - NO SCHOOL Indigenous People's Day
- November 5 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ONLY - Professional Development Day
- November 11 - NO SCHOOL Veterans Day
| Hardy PTO Direct Donation Drive Every year, the PTO asks Hardy community members directly for voluntary contributions. The Direct Donation Drive allows us to avoid traditional PTO fundraising tasks such as students selling door-to-door and catalog sales.
Support from Hardy families and friends provides essential experiences and supplies for our students and teachers. Donations help pay for field trips, assemblies, teacher grants, facilities improvements, community events, and more. The PTO is planning to spend ~$145 per student. Please consider donating this amount for your student if you are able, but please know that any gift of any size makes a difference. |
Information about Employer Matching can be found on the PTO's fundraising page and please email Treasurer Julia Twarog if you need assistance. The PTO supplements the budget and encourages support of local businesses by doing other fundraisers such as pumpkin sales at Harvest Fest and shopping days where a percent of sales go to Hardy - stay tuned for these events throughout the year! Other Fundraising & Donations The Direct Donation Drive and PTO Budget is separate from other times families are asked for voluntary donations. 1) Classroom Coordinator Donations - your classroom coordinator will ask for voluntary donations to buy teacher and teaching assistant's gifts and extra supplies for the classroom. 2) Fifth Grade Fundraising - fifth graders will be doing their own fundraising to support the extra expenses related to end of year activities and graduation. In the past this has been through hosting a Skate Night and Trash-a-thon - stay tuned for more info about these events in the spring! 3) From time to time families may be asked for voluntary donations, based on a need or the PTO trying to keep within a budget - this may look like soliciting donations of more tissues, cleaning supplies, restroom supplies, drinks and dessert for a Hardy teacher meal, etc. Donations are always voluntary and always appreciated! |
| Hardy Water Bottle Fundraiser Lake St crossing guard Linda Carella is doing a fundraiser to benefit the Hardy PTO. For every $20 water bottle ordered, $5 will be donated to the PTO. Place your order here. Thank you for your support Linda! |
Treasurer's Update The 24-25 Hardy PTO budget was approved by vote during the September PTO meeting. It is anticipated that the PTO will spend around $56,000 during the 24-25 year. Spending includes field trips, enrichment activities, faculty stipends, art supplies, books, staff appreciation, Arlington EATS snacks, school supplies, community events, and much more. Everything is Free For Teachers We started a “free list” for teachers, using a google drive and uploading photos. You’re welcome to offer Hardy faculty your donations here. Instructions can be found here. Hardy faculty has been putting their classroom wishes and Amazon wish lists here, so please take a look and see if you have anything to donate. Questions? Contact PTO Treasurer Julia Twarog at treasurer@hardypto.com. |
Getting involved is a great way to help improve your child’s experience at Hardy and to meet other caregivers in your neighborhood. Did you know PTO funds and plans school field trips and in school presentations for Hardy? We need volunteers to help teachers plan and book all these fun and enriching experiences for students. Visit our Volunteer and Events pages (updated regularly) to find opportunities to help out with upcoming PTO events! Don't forget that in order to volunteer you'll need to get a CORI background check through the Hardy main office. Find details here. Here are some ways you can help: |
| **NEW** Caregiver Coffee Hosts Needed Each grade will host a caregiver coffee on the first Friday of the month, weather permitting. Responsibility includes picking up 2-4 boxes of coffee and bringing it to the Chandler St playground and ensuring any trash and leftovers are handled. 4th grade will host on Friday, October 4th and 2 volunteers are needed. Please sign up here. |
Harvest Fest, Bike Rodeo, and Trunk or Treat Donations & Volunteers Needed - Love fall, pumpkins and apple cider donuts? Please consider helping sell items to benefit the PTO at Harvest Fest, 10/5 12:3:30. Sign up here.
- Help kids learn more about bike safety at the Bike Rodeo on 10/4 12:30-3:30. Sign up here (Scroll past Harvest Fest slots)
- Sign up your kids to participate in bike safety lessons at the Bike Rodeo here.
- Get ready for spooky season! Hardy PTO will be hosting it's second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday 10/25 at 6:15PM. Please consider signing up to donate treats or sign up to park at Hardy and decorate your car here. Everyone is welcome at this event - you do not need to decorate a car to participate!
Buddy Program Coordinator Buddy Families pairs incoming and existing Hardy families who would like some guidance and orientation about our school with a "buddy family" to answer questions and be a point of contact in the Hardy community. Learn more about being matched or volunteering, and contact Buddyfamilyprogram@hardypto.com to get involved. |
| Streamlined Student Directory Access - Get the App! Did you know the Hardy PTO website has a searchable student directory? If that sounds useful to you, adding the Membership Toolkit app to your mobile device makes it a lot easier to search and navigate. To get the app, visit the App Store, Google Play, or search for "Membership Toolkit" wherever you download apps. |
October PTO Meeting - October 12 You're invited to the October installment of our monthly PTO meeting. Join at 6:30pm in person in the Hardy Library or via Zoom. Find details on the PTO Calendar. All are welcome! Curious what happens at a PTO meeting? Please read last month's meeting notes here. |
Community News and Events |
 Wicked Bagel Fundraiser for Arlington Education Foundation 9/28-9/29 |
|  Annual Arlington Heights Halloween Window Painting 9/28 |
| Arlington Community Education (ACE) Did you know that Arlington Community Education (ACE) offers dozens of after-school enrichment classes at all schools as well as hundreds of programs for adults and families? Browse the Fall 2024 Catalog or register here. Most classes begin the week of September 23. |
| ACE Girls (+) in Motion - Beginning week of September 23 |
Waldo Park Movie Night - Saturday, September 28 Check out Waldo Park Movie Night, September 28th. The feature film will be Migration, preceded by a young-kid friendly short film. Kick off is at 6:45 pm, with the short film, the feature will start around 7:00 pm. Desserts are available at no charge, donations are welcome. |
| Donate to Hardy PTO We appreciate donations to our PTO at any time. Every amount helps! Your donations directly fund the many PTO programs that support and enrich our Hardy School community, and are tax-deductible. Donate here! |
| Visit the Hardy PTO Website Visit the Hardy PTO website to sign up for PTO emails, access the student directory, check the calendar, learn more about our programs and events, and find out how you can get involved. |
| Get the Membership Toolkit App Download the Membership Toolkit app for streamlined access to the Hardy Student Directory and other PTO info on your mobile device. Visit the App Store, Google Play, or search for "Membership Toolkit" wherever you download apps! |
Have a school-related or community announcement that would be of interest to the Hardy community? Please contact newsletter@hardypto.com. |