School Info:


Principal: Gretchen Saunders -

Assistant Principal: Peggy Tsatsoulis -

Administrative Assistant: Mary Bellerose

Main Office Number - 781-316-3783


Hardy Elementary School

52 Lake Street

Arlington, MA 02474



  • Dogs are not allowed on school property.
  • School is locked at all times. If caregivers need to come in (e.g. to pick up for an appointment, drop off an item for a child, pick up a sick child, etc) you may enter by ringing the doorbell and being let in by Ms. Bellerose (Mary).
  • If you need to talk to the principal, assistant principal, or your child’s teacher, please email them to make an appointment to chat.
  • Chatting during drop off or pick up is discouraged because teachers are focused on making sure students get to where they are going safely (i.e. to their designated adult or classroom).  Parents are generally not allowed to walk their child to their classroom - please contact your teacher if you feel you'd like to discuss this.
  • If you plan to volunteer inside school (e.g. at the library, doing Hour of Code, providing enrichment to a class) you must fill out a Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) form and be approved. Please bring a completed form to the front office. Form: click here
  • If you are at school to volunteer or have a meeting, please sign in at the front desk and get a visitor's badge.
  • Many teachers use the app "Class Dojo" for quick communications.  The add may try to charge you for upgrades - these are not used by Hardy teachers or staff so do not pay for anything in the app

Breakfast, Snack, & Lunch:

  • Breakfast and lunch are free
  • Breakfast begins at 7:30.  Please ring the front doorbell to be let into the school for breakfast
  • Menus and other meal related information is found here
  • Snacks should be sent in by caregivers daily
  • A reusable water bottle with water should be sent in daily


Helpful Links


Unofficial Hardy Staff Listing


Power School (Grades and Attendance)


Easy IEP Connect (Individual Education Plan)


SNAP Health Portal



Back to School Basics:


Kindergarten students with last names, beginning with A-L:


  • First Day will be Wednesday, 9/4, from 8-1.
  • No school on 9/5.
  • Full class begins on 9/6.


Kindergarten students with last names, beginning with M-Z:


  • No school on 9/4.
  • First day will be Thursday, 9/5, from 8-2:30.
  • Full class begins on 9/6.


Grades 1-5


  • First day will be Wednesday, 9/4, from 8-1.

First Day of School Arrival

Teachers will meet students outside on the first day of school. Teachers will hold a sign with their name, and students will line up with their teacher.


Kindergarten - enter through the large Lake St. entrance with stairs

Grade 1 - enter through Brooks Ave. front entrance.

Grade 2 and Grade 3 - line up by the fence near the swing and enter through side entrance (non-street side of building).

Grade 4 and Grade 5 - enter through the Chandler St. playground entrances.

A map is available here.


Arrival/Dismissal Generally:


  • Please be aware of no parking, no stopping, no standing signs around school and listen to your crossing guards.
  • Students will be released through the same doors they enter (see above)
  • If you are late to arrive, please drop your child off at the front door and ensure they go to the front office to attendance can be recorded.
  • School begins at 8 and ends at 2:30 every day except Wednesday, which is early release at 1
  • If students attend an afterschool program, let your child's teacher know and they will ensure they make it to the correct point for pick-up
  • If your child is eligible to walk home (ask school about eligibility), let your child's teacher know if they have permission