Caregiver Forum: Avoid Bullying and Conflict


Tune in next Tuesday April 23rd at 6:00PM for our next Parent/Caregiver Forum.

TOPIC:  Healthy Social Relationships and Health Screens: Avoid Bullying and Conflict

PRESENTED BY: Elizabeth Englander PhD.

DATE: Tuesday April 23rd

TIME: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (This session will be recorded)

TARGET AUDIENCE: Parents/Caregivers of students in all grades.

FORUM DESCRIPTION: Before the pandemic, screen use, anxiety, and social problems (like bullying and fighting) were top concerns for parents. The last few years have made some of these issues even more challenging. This talk will examine challenges in school, like bullying, friendship skills, and mental health, and how the ways kids use screens, gaming, and social media can impact these. Research will be summarized, and practical approaches to family life that can help children develop emotional resilience, healthy social skills and friendships, and sensible screen and social media habits will be discussed during this presentation. We will discuss how to move forward, how to partner with your child's school, and how to help parents be most productive in guiding their children towards optimal social and emotional health.

HOW TO JOIN: Please use this Zoom link to join: This session will be recorded. To view a full list of our Parent/Caregiver Forums please visit this link.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024 6:00pm – 7:30pm