Welcome to the 2024-2025 Hardy School Year!


Click here to learn why volunteering with the PTO will make your life better…and might even change the world

Click the image below to sign up!   

Another Special Guest for Literacy Night: 

Read to Mystic the therapy dog!

Click their photo below to sign up for a slot.



The 2024-2025 Direct Donation officially ended on 10/31/24. We got very close but still fell short of our participation and funding goals. It's not too late to donate! We welcome ongoing donations, and if you have already donated, employer matches.

This drive funds essential programs like field trips, assemblies, teacher stipends, and supplies. The PTO aims to spend $145 per student. Please consider donating this amount for your Hardy student. Any contribution is still appreciated and helpful!




Hardy PTO is a group of caregivers, teachers, and staff organized to support learning and positive relations in our Hardy School community in Arlington, MA. Read about our Community Standards here.


All members of the Hardy community are automatically a part of the PTO. There is no fee to join. We welcome you and your input at any time. Learn more here about Hardy PTO programs, events, and volunteer opportunities!


Click here for Hardy Elementary School Basics 

Hardy PTO Meeting March 2025 - March 19th 6:30-8PM


Join the meeting in-person in the Hardy library or via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 350 551 3733

Passcode: 67JvJh


Join us at our monthly PTO meeting!

The monthly meeting is a great place to learn about Hardy events, curriculum, and issues, and to hear directly from our principal as well as our teacher representative(s). 


The PTO president provide an agenda which includes a budget update from the treasurer, updates from committee leaders, and new business (upcoming events, PTO-sponsored programs and spending). 


You can participate in the conversation or just listen in. All are welcome. All are encouraged to participate. All Hardy caregivers are officially voting members.  


If you have a question or topic you would like to discuss (time permitting), please email president@hardypto.com in advance.


Meet Our Mascot: Hardy the Husky!




 Ways to Give Back via Amazon Wish Lists:


1.  EATS Snacks - snacks are provided to children who can't afford them or forgot them.


2.  Teacher bathroom supplies.


3.  Commonly needed cleaning/hygiene supplies.


4.  Teacher & Staff Wish Lists and Preferences



For Incoming Kindergarten Families - Facebook Group

Families of incoming Kindergarten students are invited to join the private Facebook group Hardy Kindergarten 2024-2025 (Graduating 5th grade in 2030) Arlington MA.


This group is a great place to connect with other families and find out about K specific info.


Hardy Elementary can be found on Facebook too, click here

School Supplies for 2024 Back-to-School

The Hardy PTO is ordering $8,000 (increased from $7,000) worth of school supplies for students. Supplies will be delivered directly to teachers.


Depending on the grade, some students may not receive any additional supply lists from teachers. Some grades may still receive a shortened supply list.  Typical items you may be asked to provide include corded headphones, pencil boxes, folders, and notebooks.


Teachers love to receive extra tissues, paper towels, and wipes (Wet Ones, Clorox, baby), so always feel free to send those in!


Families will still need to provide a backpack, lunch box if your student plans to bring lunch, snacks, and a water bottle.


Please consider donating to the Hardy PTO to support initiatives like this.

Arlington Public Schools - Job Openings!


From teachers, aides, substitute teachers and more - there are lots of positions open at APS.  Click here to see open job postings in the district.


Donate to Hardy PTO PayPal 

Donate to Hardy PTO Zeffy 

Note: The Zeffy platform will ask you for a voluntary donation to cover processing fees; please check your totals carefully before submitting to avoid unexpected charges.

Donate to Hardy PTO Venmo 


PTO Events Up Next

Wednesday Mar 12 6-8PM:  A Pets Themed Literacy Night at Hardy - shop at the book fair, do crafts, enter in the raffle to win a stuffed husky or book tote.  Special guest, Hardy teacher and author Kat Picarde!  Fun opportunity to read to a therapy dog, sign up here.  Volunteer opportunities here.

Mon - Fri March 10-14th:  Book Fair at Hardy!  Volunteer opportunities here.

Monday Mar 17th:  Teacher Appreciation Lunch - Celebrating the end of Winter and looking forward to Spring!  Sign up here to donate food or time.

Saturday Mar 29th:  Caregivers' night out - Hardy Auction and 100th Birthday Party!  Register here to join the online silent auction.  Sign up here to help out at the event.

Monthly Caregiver Coffee & Treat Train Info:

Caregiver Coffee Friday March 7th: meet in the Hardy teachers' lounge after drop off.  Sign up here to grab the coffee.

Treat Train for Teachers and Staff Friday March 7th: 1st grade is hosting. Sign up here to donate or volunteer.




Get the App

Download the Membership Toolkit app for quick access to the Hardy Student Directory and other PTO-powered info. Find it on the App Store and Google Play

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 Mabel's Labels